Most people would think of Star Wars and of course I do as well. But I also think of my great Grandma Williamson. She is 99 years old and has just passed away. Anyone who lives to 99 has been through a few storms for sure.
Great Grandpa passed away about 7 years ago in Washington State and since then Grandma has moved to Colorado to be closer to some family. For us up here in Canada it is only about a 13 hour drive down I'd say.
I can't remember meeting anyone else who lived into their late nineties and was still as sharp as my Grandma. Give her a minute and she knew that I was her great granddaughter whom she hadn't seen in many years when my family took a holiday down to see her a few summers back. She still went to Bible study and on outings offered by the home.
She was offered the last ticket to the circus so of course she took it even through she was kinda of blind and hard on hearing. When she got back her roommate was a little upset that she didn't get to go to the circus. Grandma told her that she was older and didn't have as long to live so she got to go to these things. Well, her roommate passed away before Grandma did and never made it to circus.
Rest in peace great Grandma.