Not as many people know what TCK stands for as I think do.
Third Culture Kid. That’s what I am, even though we only lived overseas for
three years. For those three years that where I called home – I had good times,
bad times, crazy times, extremely hot times followed by a tons of rain and
times filled with the joy of knowing that we lived in a safe community with
many other believers. To some Malaysia wouldn’t be a safe place or they could
never imagine calling it home. But to me, that was where I wanted to be and
that was where I was along with my family so that was home.
Which bring up the question of what makes up a home? I know
some people would go straight to Pinterest and find their boards filled with
things they have in their home or want for their home. While others pull out
photos of their home throughout the ages or a picture of each house they lived
in. For me home is really just memories. I don’t remember much of the stuff I learned in school,
I remember the lunch hours and the times my friends and I cried together or
laughed together. My whole memory is filled with times like those from all
over the world. Memories from Lumsden which I would rather forget, memories
from Malaysia that always make my heart feel warm and full, then there are
memories from Regina but for living their three years my memories are from all
over – the road trips with the fam, going on work trips with mum and going to
youth treats at Colleges over the weekends.
All that brings us to now – Texas. My mind is full of
cowboys and cowgirls, the dust clouds everywhere and times of laughing until my
stomach is killing me with pain and then not being able to remember what
started that laughter. All truly wonderful times. However, that doesn’t answer
the question at hand – what makes up a home? Those are all memories from my
home. My home is me, where I am is where my home is. Not meaning I am going to
be bring everything I own to each place I go – that just wouldn’t work at this
point. But it means I need to be happy where I am, of course there will be hard
times, there are hard times everywhere, and we can’t run away from those.
However, I can find the positive in bad times – gotta start seeing the cup half full
not empty.
I have a great life and a great family that have like always
supported me in whatever I was jumping into. That’s simply amazing and not
everyone’s got that. I have two parents who are still together and don’t have
plans of splitting up. I’ve got one older brother who has always been there for
me through everything. Then I’ve got seven grandparents who have never
disappointed me. Plus a whole bunch of cousins, aunts & uncles and tons of
friends all over who care and love for me. How did I end up with all of this? I
want to find a place that is my home, that I can go to and be like look this is
mine. But imagining people who have lived in the same house their whole life is
hard for me (after six years everyone should have to move by law). So then why would I want to be able to go
somewhere and say that this place is mine? That’s not what I want, I don’t want
to live somewhere forever, and that just will not do at all. I like to travel
and Asia has a very special place in my heart now.
I don’t have a home. That’s it. I don’t have an earthly home
that I am longing for; my heart is yearning for my heavenly home. My heart is
sad and having a rough week because I am longing for Jesus. I want to be able
to physical reach out and know that He is there. This may be something I will
struggle with for the rest of my life, wanting to be able to physical see and
touch my heavenly creator. However, I know I cannot until I go to heaven and
frankly I don’t feel like I am ready to go yet and as far as I know I am not
being called home yet either.
2nd Corinthians 5:1-10
‘For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is
torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in
the heavens. For indeed in this house we groan, longing to be clothed with our
dwelling from heaven, inasmuch as we, having out in on, will not be found
naked. For indeed while we are in this tent, we groan being burdened, because
we do not want to be unclothed, so that what is mortal will be swallowed up by
life. Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God, who gave to us the
Spirit as a pledge. Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that
while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord--- for we walk by
faith, not by sight--- we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be
absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord. Therefore we also have as
our ambition, whether are home or absent, to be pleasing to him. For we must
all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each one may be
recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether
good or bad.’