Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lost & ...

Thursday's are Science Center days at VBS. I love the Science Center, one of my favorite places in all of Saskatchewan. If you have never been to the Science Center then your life is so not complete, honestly, if I could I would live inside the Science Center. I don’t know what it is about that place that makes it so amazing to me because I am really not into Science at all. But it’s a different kind of science, it’s actually fun and not in a class room.
That is also what Seth thought. Seth is one of the sweetest boys I have met, I only have two boys in my group this week and they are both angels. However, Noah has a bit of devilish side to him while Seth is just a cute kid all the time. He likes holding hands, standing in a straight line and not talking while someone else is. Almost what I would call a perfect kid, but today I found his not so awesome side. Easily distracted - which is how he got left inside the Science Center while the rest of the kids that were inside from the church came out. My kids came slowly with their leads, I started off with just three kids, then about three minutes later I had six and then five minutes after that the last leader with only two of my kids came out. That brings me to eight, I had sent in three groups of three kids – someone was missing. My whole group knew that Seth was missing, there was nothing by that point we could do to hide that fact. I haven’t ever lost a kid before mainly because I don’t have kids; but also because I don’t tend to do things with kids where I am in charge. And now I am in charge and I lost a kid, well I didn’t actually but he is part of my big group so I kind of did in a way.
Note to self – Don’t get the front desk to call a lost kid to the front doors. It tends to freak them out even more and well it kind of freaked me out too. It made the whole deal more real than before.
After the second time his name was called out, everybody saw him running through the building to get to the front doors, taking a wrong turn here and bumping into everything in his way. But he made it to the front doors just before a bunch of us leaders went into find him. The poor guy, he was fine until he realized that he was alone. Once that shock hit him, he was a mess and frankly, who wouldn’t be. The bus ride back to the church was long and hot. Seth sat with me and cried the whole way, there was nothing I could say to get him to stop crying and just breathe. Thankfully, once we got to the church he began to realize everything was okay, he was found and no one was mad. We were all so happy that we found him and that nothing had happened.

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