Going into senior year of high school we prepare for ‘The Question’. It’s the one question that at the beginning of the year most students down know how to answer it because they aren’t sure where they are going to end up by the end of the year or even that coming fall. However, there are a few people who already knew and have a very easy time answering ‘The Question’.
What are your plans for the coming fall? - That is ‘The Question’.
I would like to say I was one of those people who had an easy time answering but sadly, not so much. I know one thing for sure though - I wasn’t going to stay home. I needed to travel and have my own adventure outside of the walls of my parents’ house, city, province and even their country. But where was I going to go? The world is big place and I was not about to just jump in alone. I needed a plan.
By the end of the year I had a plan and knew how to answer ‘The Question’.
Here’s my answer - I was going to YWAM York, England. I was going for a yearlong DTS in the city of York. I would be doing outreach in the city with all peoples willing. My team would do a small missions trip to somewhere else that we decided as a group.
Pretty good answer eh?! Everybody knew about my plan and was helping me count down the days until I left. Until I got probably the worst phone call I have ever received. The program I was going to got shut down for at least a year. This meant I would not be going to York, England. My plan had been completely cancelled, in that moment I mainly felt like my life had been cancelled. What was I to do now? People were still asking me about my plan, how was I going to tell people without breaking down? I didn’t know. I didn’t know what to do, where to go or who to talk to. I was as lost as lost could be but completely surrounded by people.
Everyone I talked to had an idea of where I could or what I could be doing instead, it was so overwhelming. I tried my best to stay away from people that I knew would have something to say about my life and what I should be doing in the fall. I didn’t want to hear it, I wasn’t ready yet. But when you’re at your cabin and there are a few hundred people on the grounds that week it is very hard to stay away from people. So, I put a smile and sunglasses on and went out to face the world, doing my best to show an overly happy emotion to cover up my broken heart.
By the end of the week, I was exhausted. I just wanted my own bed, my house, my everything. A place I could actually hide from the world in. I learned quickly that hiding wasn’t very much fun, I was with my thoughts all the time and that was almost as overwhelming as being with people. So I needed a plan. I am a plan person; I plan everything out, my outfits for the next day or sometimes week (if I am really organized). I needed something to work towards, something to be excited about again. That became my mission - to find a plan, to have a new answer to ‘The Question’. It actually came much easier than I thought it would, I looked up a few things, then I just knew.
And now, this is my new answer, my new plan - I am going to His Hill Bible School in Comfort, Texas. It is a Torchbearers School or also known as a Capernwray. I’m going for two semester - fall and spring and I get to come home for Christmas. My childhood friend, Courtney is also going and is kind of the reason I even thought about going. It’ll be a full year of studying the bible and looking at Gods word.
What are your plans for the coming fall? - That is ‘The Question’.
I would like to say I was one of those people who had an easy time answering but sadly, not so much. I know one thing for sure though - I wasn’t going to stay home. I needed to travel and have my own adventure outside of the walls of my parents’ house, city, province and even their country. But where was I going to go? The world is big place and I was not about to just jump in alone. I needed a plan.
By the end of the year I had a plan and knew how to answer ‘The Question’.
Here’s my answer - I was going to YWAM York, England. I was going for a yearlong DTS in the city of York. I would be doing outreach in the city with all peoples willing. My team would do a small missions trip to somewhere else that we decided as a group.
Pretty good answer eh?! Everybody knew about my plan and was helping me count down the days until I left. Until I got probably the worst phone call I have ever received. The program I was going to got shut down for at least a year. This meant I would not be going to York, England. My plan had been completely cancelled, in that moment I mainly felt like my life had been cancelled. What was I to do now? People were still asking me about my plan, how was I going to tell people without breaking down? I didn’t know. I didn’t know what to do, where to go or who to talk to. I was as lost as lost could be but completely surrounded by people.
Everyone I talked to had an idea of where I could or what I could be doing instead, it was so overwhelming. I tried my best to stay away from people that I knew would have something to say about my life and what I should be doing in the fall. I didn’t want to hear it, I wasn’t ready yet. But when you’re at your cabin and there are a few hundred people on the grounds that week it is very hard to stay away from people. So, I put a smile and sunglasses on and went out to face the world, doing my best to show an overly happy emotion to cover up my broken heart.
By the end of the week, I was exhausted. I just wanted my own bed, my house, my everything. A place I could actually hide from the world in. I learned quickly that hiding wasn’t very much fun, I was with my thoughts all the time and that was almost as overwhelming as being with people. So I needed a plan. I am a plan person; I plan everything out, my outfits for the next day or sometimes week (if I am really organized). I needed something to work towards, something to be excited about again. That became my mission - to find a plan, to have a new answer to ‘The Question’. It actually came much easier than I thought it would, I looked up a few things, then I just knew.
And now, this is my new answer, my new plan - I am going to His Hill Bible School in Comfort, Texas. It is a Torchbearers School or also known as a Capernwray. I’m going for two semester - fall and spring and I get to come home for Christmas. My childhood friend, Courtney is also going and is kind of the reason I even thought about going. It’ll be a full year of studying the bible and looking at Gods word.
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